Quoth Andy Chambers <achambers.h...@gmail.com>, on 2010-10-01 20:37:07 +0100:
> Is it possible, using plain SQL, to derive the following
> 001,c,d
> 001,e,g

In other words, you're comparing rows with "adjacent" ones?  Yes, it's
probably possible, but it would be very awkward and possibly slow.
You'd join the table to itself or use fancy subqueries, depending on
the specifics.

(In particular, pairing the "transitions" to get the pairs back as
single rows would be extra-awkward without temporary tables, I think.)

Is there a reason you're trying to do this with SQL?  Why not just do
it in plain application logic?  In the absence of more information,
that would seem a more natural way to go about it.

   ---> Drake Wilson
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