Quoth Travis Orr <t...@ivl.com>, on 2010-10-12 08:17:38 -0700:
> Drake Wilson said:
> - However, it now occurs to me that it may be possible to use the
> - fts3_tokenizer() function in a trigger, which is probably a bad thing
> - when writing to untrusted databases.  
> I suppose the only way to accomplish it would be to recompile sqlite3
> with my custom tokenizer in place. I think that may be more work that it
> is worth. The idea of using a trigger is interesting, though I suspect
> the performance hit from having to register the tokenizer on each
> connection is minimal.

Just to clarify, a trigger isn't useful for this in general, because
you still have nowhere to get the function pointer from.  Above I was
worrying that the current SQLite code might be less safe than it could
be as a result of allowing this in triggers by default.

I wouldn't worry about the performance; the registration will likely
be a minimal hit compared to setting up the connection in the first

> Travis

   ---> Drake Wilson

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