On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Andrew Davison
<andrew.davi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In my database I do lots of inserts, of exactly the same nature so I use
> a prepared statement, which I cache, always reseting after use. Works fine.
> Now I decide that I want a second type of insert, so I try to use a
> prepared statement for that as well. However it always fails. As long as
> the other prepared statement is hanging round I can't prepare a new one.
> Does this seem right or am I really soing something wrong?

Which language?

> Can I not have multiple prepared statements created?

At least with Perl DBI I can have as many prepared statements as I
want or care. Don't know if that is a Perl capability or sqlite

> Regards.
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