Quoth Petite Abeille <petite.abei...@gmail.com>, on 2010-11-11 21:05:15 +0100:
> Or perhaps SQLite should embed Lua [1] as its powerful, fast, lightweight, 
> scripting language and be done with it :)

Interestingly enough, there's problems with doing that with stock Lua:
SQLite insists on having both 64-bit integers and doubles, and stock
Lua only provides the latter, so (for instance) representing rowids
properly becomes a pain.  Recompiling to use integers instead of
floats is easy, but having both is nontrivial, though there exist
patches such as LNUM that will give you a variant numeric type.

I'd also be cautious about possible platforms where isolating the
resultant symbols from a host program that might be using an
incompatible Lua would be difficult.  Being a library results in
different constraints on dependencies than for an out-of-process
database engine, unfortunately.

These aren't unsolvable, but it's a little harder than it might look.

   ---> Drake Wilson
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