>My date column is set when the program starts and i do not want it to

How is this date column set in the database without inserting anything?

>   So I have my <dbname> with <mytable> and two columns <date> and
><value column>.   I have say 5 values (1 2 3 4 5) that I wanted inserted
>into mytable where the date is equal to date that was preset my 
>starting the

Preset, how?  I guess you have this date stored in some variable 
somewhere.  Just use it to fill the date column in the each new row.

>   So a select of my table would look like this:
>select * from mytable where date='2011/04/18 21:35:33';
>2011/04/18 21:35:33|1
>2011/04/18 21:35:33|2
>2011/04/18 21:35:33|3
>2011/04/18 21:35:33|4
>2011/04/18 21:35:33|5

So you need to perform as many inserts as values you have to insert:
insert into mytable (date, value) values ('2011/04/18 21:35:33', 1);
insert into mytable (date, value) values ('2011/04/18 21:35:33', 2);
insert into mytable (date, value) values ('2011/04/18 21:35:33', 3);
insert into mytable (date, value) values ('2011/04/18 21:35:33', 4);
insert into mytable (date, value) values ('2011/04/18 21:35:33', 5);

If you have really _many_ inserts to perform, wrap the lot in a 
transaction to speed up the process:
   <massive inserts>

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