Do you check result code of connection closing? Is it successful?
If it's not successful then some statements are still active and
reading transaction is still open. That could be the reason of error
in write process.


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Thorsten Kersting
<> wrote:
> i use openmpi fo parallelization, an c++ as the interface to sqlite.
> in my program one process only writes into the database, and the other
> processes read at the beginning, and then never do anything with it. But
> even when i close the database-connection of the non-writing processes,
> my write process says, that the database is locked. And this lock never
> gets released.
> I don't understand, why there is a lock on the database, when no other
> connection exists. Is there a way, that i can see, which connection has
> the lock?
> i tried this in a testprogramm, and there it worked, but not in the
> programm i want to use.
> thanks for any help
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