Hi list,
I am rather new to sqlite, and try to use it to manage a large
database. The problem I have is the following:
I Have a table "table1" that looks like this:


thus there exists "reverse copies" of (1,3) and (2,3), while there is
no such copy of (2,4) . I want to reduce this to:


that is, keep only the rows of which there exists a reverse copy, and
then keep only one of those copies.

I tried the following query to achieve this:

CREATE TABLE table2 AS SELECT n1,n2 FROM (SELECT n1, n2 FROM table1
UNION SELECT n2 AS n1, n1 AS n2 FROM table1) WHERE(n1<n2) GROUP BY

This has the desired result on a small example, but when I try this on
my actual table which has about 800 million rows, the query never
seems to complete. It has been running for a couple of days now, and
it doesn't seem sqlite is still doing anything (cpu usage dropped to
almost zero), but I get no error messages. I should mention that
table1 is not indexed, as indexing this large table also didn't work
out yet (see this thread:

So here are my questions:
- is there a better, more efficient way to do this with sqlite?
- or alternatively, is this table simply too large for sqlite and
should I look at a different RDMS?
- how do I now that sqlite is still working and I should wait longer,
or that it somehow got stuck?

Thanks, Rense
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