On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 12:03:52PM +0100, Jack Hughes scratched on the wall:
> Hello all,
> Is there a workaround for the lack of support for dropping fields?

  While this doesn't solve your immediate problem, I'm wondering if
  it might be possible to add code that simple marks a column invalid
  or unused, effectively making it "hidden."  Any constraints on that
  column would then be ignored (I know that's harder than it sounds).
  The next VACUUM could then clean up the data, completely deleting the

  How you deal with FKs, triggers, and indexes that are using those
  columns is left as an exercise for the coder.  8-)    Humm... maybe
  that's why we don't have a ALTER TABLE...DROP COLUMN.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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