On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 4:22 AM, Scholz Maik (CM-AI/PJ-CF42) <
maik.sch...@de.bosch.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I like to use and reuse SQLite statements.
> I need a way to detect, when a statement is obsolete because e.g.
> the schema was changed.
> So sqlite3_expire is marked deprecated, what shall I use instead?

Prepare your statements using sqlite3_prepare_v2() instead of
sqlite3_prepare().  Then if the schema changes and the statements need to be
reprepared, the reprepare will happen automatically the next time the
statement is used.  SQLite knows that the statement has expired and deals
with it for you automatically.  So you, the programmer, don't need to mess
with sqlite3_expired() any more.

> Maik
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