Barry1337 <> wrote:
> So I need, for every record in STAYSPEC, to find another record in STAYSPEC
> that has the same STAYNUM field and an ORDER_SPEC field that is 1 more. I
> want to replace the date_out from STAYSPEC with that date (in text format).
> If such a record does not exist (EXISTS) then it needs to take the date_out
> from the STAYHOSP table where the STAYNUM is the same.

Try this:

update STAYSPEC set date_out = coalesce(
  (select date_in from STAYSPEC ss2
   where ss2.staynum = STAYSPEC.staynum and
   ss2.order_spec = STAYSPEC.order_spec + 1),
  (select date_out from STAYHOSP sh where sh.staynum = STAYSPEC.staynum)

> Whenever I execute the above query it doesn't give an error or something,
> it's just keeps running without ever stopping !

Make sure you have an index on STAYSPEC(staynum, order_spec) (or at least on 
STAYSPEC(staynum) ), as well as one on STAYHOSP(staynum)

Igor Tandetnik

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