Fabian <fabianpi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a column with a normal INDEX, and I would like to turn it into an
> UNIQUE index, but I'm a bit worried about the performance implications for
> inserts. Can someone give some insight into how UNIQUE is implemented in
> SQLite, does it create extra tables compared to a normale index, are there
> many extra checks?

No, a UNIQUE index and a regular index are implemented the exact same way. It's 
just that, at INSERT and UPDATE time, after finding a proper place to insert 
the new value, an additional check is made that the place isn't already 

> And a related question: I need to insert 1 million rows, and currently I
> create the INDEX afterwards, because that should be faster. I cannot create
> the UNIQUE INDEX afterwards, because there's a slight possibility there will
> be 1 or 2 duplicates, which will make the creation fail. I now have the
> possibility to specify UNIQUE upfront (in the TABLE definition) or manually
> filter out any doubles before the insert (which will also take CPU time).
> Would there be any advantage doing this manually, or will SQLite do it just
> as efficiently?

I suspect the way you are going to manually filter duplicates will involve 
inserting them into a moral equivalent of a UNIQUE index. The performace is 
probably going to be similar to that of just creating a UNIQUE index up front. 
But only measurements with your particular data can tell for sure.
Igor Tandetnik

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