On 3 Aug 2012, at 5:48pm, Tobias Giesen <tobiasgie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> yes I can run the dump on Snow Leopard, but many of my customers do not
> have Snow Leopard any more and they do not want to send me their files
> for conversion.
> The problem is that hundreds of customers need to convert/fix their 
> files. It must be done under Mountain only and I have to automate it
> or they will yell at me.

I suspect that the experts here will figure out what the problem is.  However, 
if your users with 10.8 do need to do the .dump, all you need send them is the 
executable version of sqlite3 which comes with 10.7, and a script which calls 
it.  It should run fine under 10.8 and does not have any dependencies or call 
any libraries.

But give the experts time to explore your problem first, since by the look of 
it it shouldn't be occurring.

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