The optionality of "AS" when aliasing column names is not strange.

Oops. I see that I did not mean "column names". This is about table aliases.

You are missing the point :-)  I am not arguing for syntax changes or
anything else in the core of SQLite or SQL.

No, I don't don't think I am missing the point. I'll explain. The surprise interpretation of "select * from a natral join b; " was made possible by the combination of 2 features of sqlite:

1. Not requiring AS for table aliases.
2. Treating JOIN without ON constraint as "CROSS JOIN"

1) appears to agree with SQL-92:

2) does not:

My point is that the proposed lint mode should worry more about 2) than 1). Setting off alarms for a "missing" AS would just create a lot of noise since portable SQL might need to omit the AS, as Oracle at least doesn't allow it.

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