On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Gert Van Assche <ger...@datamundi.be> wrote:

> All, I
> I have a table with 2 fields that need to be exported to 2 TXT files but
> the order of the lines in the export should be exactly the same as in the
> table.
> I tried to do it like this:
>          SELECT [FieldA] FROM [T1] ORDER BY rowid;
> and
>          SELECT [FieldB] FROM [T1] ORDER BY rowid;
> but the rowid order is not followed. The two TXT files that are created are
> not in sync.

"ORDER BY rowid" should always be honored.  If you have a case where it is
not, that is a bug.  Please send us sufficient information to reproduce the
problem and we will look into it.

> Is this normal or is there another way to address this?
> thanks for your help,
> Gert
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