Quoth Drake Wilson <dr...@dasyatidae.net>, on 2013-06-07 08:18:05 -0500:
> Actually, I dropped a paragraph on the floor, sorry.  It's probably better to 
> use
> xRead for this, since in that case SQLite will manage its own memory for the 
> cache
> of decrypted pages.  The loss in that case, if you still use mmap behind the 
> scenes,
> is that you don't respect PRAGMA mmap_size anymore since the rest of SQLite 
> will
> think you're using "normal" I/O, and so it becomes impossible for other code 
> to
> turn mmap off to avoid I/O-error-based execution faults or such.

Gyaaah, sorry for all the little corrections---that's incomplete too, since you 
still respond to SQLITE_FCNTL_MMAP_SIZE in xFileControl; you'd just have to 
make sure
to apply it to the xRead path.

Now I will be quiet for a while, since my head apparently isn't fully in it.  

   ---> Drake Wilson
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