On 2013.06.13 7:22 PM, Yongil Jang wrote:
Thank you, Richard and James.

2013/6/14 James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org>

Why not simply

SELECT   f.name, count(e.food_id) as 'episodes'
FROM     foods as f
  JOIN    foods_episodes as e
ON       f.id = e.food_id
GROUP BY f.name
ORDER BY episodes DESC LIMIT 10;

In my opinion,
That example is used in beginning of SQL chapter, therefore, JOIN and GROUP
BY is not explained yet.

That seems kind of backwards. Joining is a simpler operation than subqueries, or at least is no more complicated. It seems strange to be talking about subqueries before you talk about joins or grouping. On the other hand, I suppose from an explanation point of view, a subquery in the SELECT list could actually be a simpler thing to explain to a SQL newbie, so maybe that's why it is first. -- Darren Duncan

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