On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

> Despite the long diatribes you have not indicated a single case in which
> the set ordinal of the row would be of any use whatsoever.
> For 40 years we have gotten on without it, so yes, it is only for you
> newbies that somehow think there is a use for it, and for 40 years no one
> has ever come upon a real need to have set ordinals generated by the
> database engine as part of the cursor processing (for various definitions
> of database engine).
> Kind of makes you wonder what you might have overlooked or are assuming
> incorrectly doesn't it?
If you wish to posit that a row number function is not useful, that's fine.
You don't have to like it or support its inclusion. To claim that there has
not been a single case described where it would be of any use whatsoever
clearly demonstrates that you have not bothered reading the messages you're
replying to! The cases have been described, you simply disagree with them.
There *is* utility in being able to have a row or rank number function. For
example, lets say you are Billboard Magazine and you keep track of record
sales. On a weekly basis you generate a list of the top 40 selling records.
One of your customers wants that list in descending order. There are
certainly ways you can accomplish this without a rank function, but a rank
function can make the SQL clearer, easier to maintain.

At my last job I used Microsoft SQL Server (as that was technology selected
before I was hired) and used a rank number capability provided in T/SQL as
part of a query to generate a list of files in a particular order. The
order was important in my use case (prioritization of a set of files
comprising multiple terabytes of data that needed to be synchronized, but
where not all data was equally important). I didn't need to send all the
sort criteria to each remote site, I just needed to ensure the order was
maintained. Could I have done it in a different way? Yes. But as mentioned
on multiple occasions, the idea of the rank or row number function is not
that there is no other way to accomplish the task, it is about convenience.

Now, you are free to dislike my approach to solving the problem. I'm sure
there are better ways to accomplish what needed to be done. Regardless of
that, what I did was convenient and got the job done. Had that capability
not been available to me, I could have done it in another way. No one is
arguing that there isn't another way to accomplish the stated task.

Regardless of *ANY OF THE ABOVE*: How about exercising some common courtesy
and not resort to denigration of another person's knowledge or apparent
skills or lack thereof. You don't like the idea, fine. State why you don't
like it and move on. Don't contribute any code that might address the idea.
The rest? It is not useful.

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