On 10/9/2013 9:50 AM, Eric Minbiole wrote:
With this change, tests pass again:

     #if sizeof(p->nRow) == sizeof(long long)
     sqlite3_snprintf(24, zRet, "%lld", p->nRow);
     #elseif sizeof(p->Row) = sizeof(long)
     sqlite3_snprintf(24, zRet, "%ld", p->nRow);
     sqlite3_snprintf(24, zRet, "%d", p->nRow);

Slightly off-topic, but I didn't think that sizeof() could be used as part
of a preprocessor directive?  (I.e., that #if sizeof(x) doesn't work as
intended, or at least not portably.)

#elseif also looks like a compiler-specific non-portable extension. The correct spelling is #elif
Igor Tandetnik

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