On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 7:58 AM, L. Wood <lwoo...@live.com> wrote:

> Suppose I have a table with one text column. I insert like this:
> INSERT INTO my_table (col1) VALUES ('arbitrary UTF-8 string');
> * Isn't it true that the string must indeed be surrounded by single quotes
> as I do above?
> * Isn't it true that I have to replace all occurrences of ' in the
> original string with '' (to escape each single quote)?
> * Do I have to do anything else at all?

It is safer and faster to use the sqlite3_bind_text() interface.

First prepare your statement like this:

   INSERT INTO my_table(col1) VALUES(?1);

Then run:

   sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, zYourString, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);

Then run your statement:


Further information: http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html

D. Richard Hipp
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