On Wed, 04 Dec 2013 12:04:07 -0700
Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

> > Determinism is a property of a function; there is no such
> > thing as a function that is sometimes deterministic and sometimes
> > not.
> databases are about as far from side-effect-free as you can get.

I'm not sure what you're referring to.  The functions I'm thinking of
are things like COUNT and DATE.  One is deterministic, the other not.
Their determinism is not affected by how they are used.  

Unless you have an example of a function whose determinism is, um,
syntatically determined, why introduce syntax around it?  

Regarding side-effects, every standard SQL function is side-effect
free.  True, in SQLite a user-defined function could send flowers on
Valentine's day.  But at that point it's surely wandered off the

> Anyway, all this arguing over how SQLite *should* behave seems
> misguided to me.  What matters is how SQL is specified.  SQLite
> should follow the spec in areas like this.

Yes.  Better to color inside the lines.  


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