Sorry if some of these are no brainers, I am a sqlite newbie with some MS
SQL experience. 


Our application uses 3 Sqlite dbs and System.Data.Sqlite.dll (dropped by
installer). Functionality allows users to start a new instance of one of the
databases at run time. Hence we ship empty databases in a binary format,
created by one of our developers. The process of making changes to the DDL
is basically using a sqlite admin tool, make the changes, then update the
installer with the new db file.  I am looking for a better way how to
automate this and have better source control integration.  At my other job,
we got MS SQL ddl source files as text files in source control, verify them
at build time, and then ship the scripts.  


I would like accomplish these (or at least some of these) for the Sqlite


- text files for sql in source control

- build them from command line during msbuild for syntax verification

- ship text files in the installer (I know how to do that)

- run the text files against a newly created db at run time in order
"install" the schema and data (I think this is just a simple execute the sql
ddl agains the db, right?)

- support schema updates.  If V2 of the product ships, all dbs that are
older should automatically be migrated to V2 when loaded.  Is this as simple
as writing the ddl as IF COLUMN EXISTS etc. statements?

- version detection. At run time need to detect that a given db is of
version v1. simple column in dbversion table?


Any pointers would be appreciated.






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