If you write your information to the cheap* USB key instead of the SD card,
from a mile-high view, you're looking at a bad data disk instead of a bad
OS disk.  You could backup daily your USB version of the database to the SD
card, or to a network drive (If available) so then you're only writing to
the SD card once per day.  If you put an hours worth of data in memory (Via
an array, or an in-memory database) you won't write data out anywhere,
unless the OS decides it has to (Swap), which would end up being out of
your control anyways.

* Cheap has two meanings here.  Both price, and ease of replacement.
Relatively speaking, its easier to put a new USB key in and get it
formatted, versus reloading the OS and getting everything running again.  I
don't own a Pi, so I don't know much much more work it is to load versus
putting a 'nix distro on a PC.
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