Hi all

I have a table in a database, one of the columns is TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE. If I want to find out which column has been designated unique, how can I do it?

I can get the DataType of each column by testing the value of objDs1.Tables(0).Columns(numColumnNumber).DataType.ToString where objDs1 is a DataSet and numColumnNumber increments from 0 to n.

I found objDs1.Tables(0).Columns(numColumnNumber).Unique but this returns False for a column I know I set as TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE.

[I often use the structure of a table to recreate the table as new from scratch, or to clone it into a different table, eg. I have a table called 'Customers', I want to have a table called 'Enquirers' with exactly the same structure. At the moment, the clone does not have the UNIQUE format for the column in Customers which does have it, although everything else is present in the new table.]

Thanks in advance


For VB'ers, this is what I use to interrogate the table to be cloned:
                For Each objRow1 In objDs1.Tables(0).Rows
                    If numRowNo = 0 Then
                        'Gather field names and types:
                        numColNo = 1 + 2    'RecNo is already in.
Do Until numColNo - 2 > objDs1.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1 Select Case objDs1.Tables(0).Columns(numColNo - 2).DataType.ToString
                                Case "System.String"

                                    'This is the bit that is wrong:
If objDs1.Tables(0).Columns(numColNo - 2).Unique = True Then MsgBox("Have found a UNIQUE column type!")
                                    End If

                                Case "System.Int32"
strThisFieldType = "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)"
                                Case "etc."
                            End Select
gstrCreateTableSQLString = gstrCreateTableSQLString & objDs1.Tables(0).Columns(numColNo - 2).ColumnName & " " & strThisFieldType & ","
                            numColNo = numColNo + 1
                    End If
                    'Etc. etc.

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