>Is it possible to have a variable number of parameters in an IN clause in
>a prepared statement, i.e. "select * from Table where Col1 in

>Or do I need a constant number of parameters in there to be able to re-
>use the prepared statement?

The closest solution would be to create a table/temporary table and populate it 
with your value list.  You can then use a statement like:

SELECT <columns ...> FROM <table> WHERE <column> IN <list-table>

This assumes that your <list-table> has only one column, it is the correct 

If your list is only integers take a look at test_intarray.c in the full 
source.  It implements a virtual table that maps from a C array to a virtual 
table.  With minimal changes this would work for doubles as well.  Since it 
would be your own custom extension virtual table, you could make it work with 
whatever weird data structure and data you required.

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