On 02 Aug 2014 at 00:27, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote: 

> I understand that with routing and such, you can end up outside where you
> really are (With my IP, I'm shown just outside of Toronto when I'm actually
> two hours out), but the chances of showing up in Taiwan when you're in
> Tennessee is doubtful.

More to do with what the owner of the IP address block decides to do, than with 
routing. They could easily have a world-wide or continent-wide network, in 
which case your IP address tells you nothing at all.

On OS X, I appear to be able to do it thus (in PHP):

  $zonepath = @readlink ('/etc/localtime');           // Path to the timezone 
  if  ($zonepath===false)  exit (1);                  // User needs to set 

  $leadin   = '/usr/share/zoneinfo/';                 // Strip off the leadin 
  $timezone = substr ($zonepath, strlen($leadin));    // the timezone remains

Whether this generalises to other unix flavours I don't know. I was unable to 
find a reliable way to do similar under Windows, though it may exist.

Cheers  --  Tim
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