Disclosure:  I am the apsw author

On 08/02/2014 10:19 AM, Jim Callahan wrote:
I got apsw to work, but it had a curious side-effect
-- it clobbered my IPython prompt (replaced prompt with smiley faces).

APSW certainly didn't do that. It doesn't do anything - you have to make calls and get responses.

If you use the APSW shell then it will use ANSI escape sequences to colour the output. However this is only done if the output is a terminal, and can be turned off. (That is the case for Linux & Mac. For Windows you also need to install colorama.)

For those who are interested.
1. downloaded apsw -- does not work with Python's package manager pip

APSW moved from googlecode a while back.  It is at:


This explains why:


APSW is actually now on pypi. Someone else put it up there and it has no connection to me. It is also extremely unlikely to install because it doesn't handle the SQLite dependency, nor have Windows binaries.

3. commented out "import apswrow" from suggested script (not found, not

That has no connection to APSW either. It is written by someone else to turn rows returned from a tuple into also having the column names.

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