Thanks, I'll keep it in min.  In this case, howevery, I don't think that will 
be an issue.  All of 
the names are from American published pulp magazines,  writers, artists, and 


On Friday, September 19, 2014 02:02:30 AM Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 19 Sep 2014, at 1:15am, Mark Halegua <> wrote:
> > that resolved it.  I didn't know you needed to put the desc with both
> > columns.
> > 
> > It means another table I had thought was properly ordered wasn't.
> > 
> > Thank you.
> You're welcome.  Glad you figured it out.
> By the way I wanted to warn you about starting any project with first name,
> middle name and last name fields.  This leads to problems, and I would go
> to some lengths to avoid it if possible.  It would be better to provide two
> columns:
> name            (their name, however they want it to be shown)
> nameInSortOrder (their name, in whatever order you feel it should be sorted)
> For the second field your name might appear as "Halegua, Mark" and someone
> with a middle name might appear as "Smith, Mark Edward".  The comma is
> needed because some people have a surname which is two separate words, e.g.
> Patrick Nielsen Hayden.  Given the way SQLite works you would want to
> declare the field nameInSortOrder as having COLLATE NOCASE.
> This is especially important if you are storing names which don't all have
> Western-style 'given-name surname' format.  For instance, you may see these
> words between the first and last parts of people's names: "bin", "ben",
> "ibn", "bas", "bat", "O'", "al-", "de" "van de", "Fitz".  They"re not
> middle names.  They mean "son of" or "daughter of" or "from" or other
> things.  They should definitely not be capitalised, except for "O'".  And
> you don't sort on them at all.
> Similarly, surnames beginning with 'Mac' or 'Mc' should not be sorted
> together, not as if the name begins with the letters 'MAC'.  It's a
> convention that they all be sorted at the beginning of the 'M' listings,
> ignoring the difference between "Mc" and "Mac".
> For a longer list of reasons, see this article:
> <
> mes/>
> and for those who like that, there's a similar
> <>
> Simon.
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