On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Kraijenbrink - FixHet - Systeembeheer <
kraijenbr...@fixhet.nl> wrote:
> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Parent.fkintFolderID,'\') FilePath
> FROM tblFolderNestedSets Node
> , tblFolderNestedSets Parent
> WHERE Node.intLeft BETWEEN Parent.intLeft AND Parent.intRight
> AND Parent.fkintSessionID = Node.fkintSessionID
> AND Node.fkintSessionID =  1817
> AND Node.fkintFolderID  = 1937926;
> Query result:
> 1927916\1934826\1936323\1937926

from http://www.sqlite.org/lang_aggfunc.html: The order of the concatenated
elements is arbitrary.

So it's likely just chance that you get the result you expect, no?
Aren't recursive CTEs supposed to be used for such hierarchical queries?

Regarding group_concat performance, you could always try to write your own
aggregate function and compare. Could be group_concat does not pre-allocate
enough capacity into its buffer, and must realloc too many times. I doubt
it accounts for a 10x slow down though, assuming my hypothesis even holds
of course.

SQLite is one of those SQL engines where you can use aggregate functions
w/o an explicit group-by clause, so maybe w/o group_concat, that's no
longer a group-by by just a join, ending up being faster. All speculations
though, especially since I don't understand how your query works :). --DD
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