On 8 Oct 2014, at 5:14am, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The one downside I just realized is that ON CONFLICT can be used outside of
> the table declarations as well, so perhaps a different word or signal might
> be needed for it to make linguistic sense, or, this version of ON CONFLICT
> USE DEFAULT can only be used in the tables field def'n.
> Thoughts?

You could probably use a TRIGGER that detects the type of row you don't want 
and replaces it with your preferred form.  This doesn't do exactly what you 
want, but it is something like it.

I did have one system which created reports on certain operations and put them 
in a TABLE called 'log'.  I could use TRIGGERs in that program to have it 
notice data I didn't like, report on it, then delete the offending row.  All 
the program had to do was look in TABLE log for anything new tagged 'conflict' 
and report it back to the user.  It was a pretty neat toy but it turned out 
more complicated than I really needed.

SQL doesn't detail any method of communicating with the user (or even the 
programmer).  From its origins as a simple demonstration of a concept it has 
grown so powerful that people try to do programming in it without using a 
proper programming language.  It may be that a new procedural data manipulation 
language will come along one day but I think it will allow the programmer to 
define data conflict in a more elegant manner.

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