On Sat, 08 Nov 2014 22:55:46 +0900
Tristan Van Berkom <tris...@upstairslabs.com> wrote:

> So I would have to say, the "right way to do it" is the most efficient
> way, the one which provides SQLite with the best indications of how
> to plot an efficient query plan.

Keith is suggesting that the right way to do it is neither "any way that
works" nor necessarily "whatever is fastest" but "the clearest
formulation of the query".  Clarity has the salutary property of being
most likely to be correct (because understood by the human) and stands
a better than fair chance of being executed efficiently (because it
translates easily to a good query plan).  

Most of time -- not every time, but most of the time -- indexes
and table design matter much more to efficient execution than query
syntax. When a clearly expressed query is not executed efficiently in
the presence of useful indexes, and especially when a slightly different
one does, that's usually considered a defect of the query planner.  

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