Hello all,

I have some questions and comments about savepoints, documented here:


Here are some excerpts from that documentation that are relevant to my

1.  "The SAVEPOINT command starts a new transaction with a name. The
transaction names need not be unique."

2.  "The ROLLBACK command with a TO clause rolls back transactions going
backwards in time back to the most recent SAVEPOINT with a matching name.
The SAVEPOINT with the matching name remains on the transaction stack, but
all database changes that occurred after that SAVEPOINT was created are
rolled back."

Also (not documented on that page):

3.  Savepoint names cannot be parameterized in statements, which means you
cannot prepare a savepoint statement ahead of time, and supply the
savepoint name at execution time.

Through some experimentation (using v3.11.0), I have found that #1 and #2
together don't work very well:

begin transaction;
  ... Work A ...
  savepoint Foo;
    ... Work B ...
    savepoint Foo;                <--- Allowed by #1
      ... Work C ...
    rollback to savepoint Foo;    <--- Rolls back Work C, but leaves the
                                       innermost savepoint Foo active due
                                       to #2

    rollback to savepoint Foo;    <--- Does nothing - I can no longer
                                       rollback past the innermost Foo
                                       without rolling back the entire


A)  If #2 is desirable, then why allow non-unique savepoint names within
the same transaction?  It is impossible to rollback the innermost
savepoint with a non-unique name, and later rollback past that savepoint
using the same name.

B)  If #1 is desirable, then why doesn't ROLLBACK TO pop the matched
savepoint off the stack?  Even without considering #1, I'm having trouble
coming up with a scenario in which I would want the matched savepoint to
remain active.

C)  If #1 and #2 are desirable, then why can't I parameterize savepoint
names?  This would allow me to prepare my savepoint statements once, and
execute them with different names, gaining the efficiencies of prepared
statements for these oft-used actions.  Currently, I am forced to generate
unique savepoint names _and_ prepare new statements every time I want to
create a new savepoint, which is doubly inefficient.


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