Hi there,

I have used sqlite to store parameter changes with a time stamp in a simulation 

Because of the number of parameters (2000+) and the max. change rate up to 50ms 
I have a separate table for each parameter with time stamp and value.

The time stamp is used as "integer primary key asc".

So is no need of an internal rowid.

The database is opened from one process in wal mode with the following settings:

PRAGMA synchronous = 1

PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL

PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 10000

PRAGMA page_size = 4096

PRAGMA cache_size = 5000

Only one process will write to the database.

It is also possible to go back in time and then start from there.

Currently I remove all values from the tables after the specified time.

New values can be added after this.

With larger backtrack intervals I have performance problems.

Question 1:

Can I speed up the deletion?

Question 2:

I will only read the data with a second program on another computer.

I have read it is not possible to use sqlite in wal mode over a network.

Is it so in my scenario?

Would it be possible if I can stop the writing for the duration of the read?

Is there another solution?

Thank you


Kernkraftwerk Goesgen-Daeniken AG
CH-4658 Daeniken, Switzerland

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