On 4/2/15, Random Coder <random.coder at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd recommend the SQLite team turn them on for the version of the DLL
> they distribute, but I'm honestly not sure if there are negative side
> effects to doing so.

That's not possible, unfortunately,   We compile the published DLL
(the 32-bit DLL at least) with MinGW so that they will work on older
versions of Windows.  If we used a recent MSVC then the resulting DLL
will not work on WinXP, I am told.

If the published DLL is not to your liking, it is simple to make your
own.  I suggest you do so. You can start with the amalgamated source
code file "sqlite3.c".  All you need is to compile that one file into
a DLL that the security checker approves of.  How hard can that be?

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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