Stephen Chrzanowski wrote:
>>From what I understand;
> - Read-Only data
> - Data doesn't change frequently
> - Central repository for data
> - Network latency causing issues
> My two cents on this is to keep a database revision ID kicking around and
> do a SQLite backup of the remote data to a local storage medium.  At
> application launch, check the local version of the database, then check the
> NFS version, and if there is a mismatch or a local copy doesn't exist, have
> the application ask (Or force if no local copy exists) to copy the data
> from remote to local, then read data from the local source.  This will be a
> bit of a PITA if you're talking gigabytes of storage on a saturated 100mbit
> network or if drive space is limited.  (I love my quiet GigE network)

Congratulations, you've just reinvented AFS, but without any of its 

Seriously - there are many other distributed filesystems out there, all 
designed because users keep running into the same deficiencies of NFS, 
over and over again. Please, can we stop reinventing this wheel now?

   -- Howard Chu
   CTO, Symas Corp. 
   Director, Highland Sun
   Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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