On Aug 19, 2015, at 11:34 PM, Simon Slavin <slavins at bigfraud.org> wrote:
> On 20 Aug 2015, at 6:22am, Scott Perry <numist at apple.com> wrote:
>> That said, it's possible to corrupt a database by forcing the device to 
>> power off (by holding the power and home buttons) while SQLite's writes are 
>> in flight. This is equivalent to the conditions of a kernel panic.
> This is true only if your storage subsystem (usually hard disk plus it's 
> driver) does not work properly, and a couple of bad coincidences happen.  In 
> almost all situations, when SQLite next accesses the database it will notice 
> a journal file still exists for it and use the information in the journal 
> file to uncorrupt the database.
> The resulting database might or might not reflect the last transaction's 
> changes.  It depends on precisely when power was lost.  But it should not be 
> corrupt, and it should reflect all changes up to the end of a transaction.

If the NAND controller is interrupted by power loss or kernel panic, it is 
possible for a write to be partially applied to disk, a condition that SQLite 
cannot defend against.

These conditions are extremely rare, especially in the wild, but at scale every 
possible error is a certainty.

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