On 2015-08-28 01:17 PM, Yahoo! Mail wrote:
> Obviously you did not get my issue; something is wrong and your timer 
> suggestion indicates this. During the execution of each command, I 
> would monitor it with *watch "du test.db*"*. The journal size would go 
> mad even surpassing the database's actual size at some moments.
> *sqlite> .timer on
> sqlite> drop table if exists t1; create table t1(a datetime); vacuum 
> t1; begin; with recursive c(x) as (values(1) union all select x + 1 
> from c where x < 100) insert into t1(a) select datetime('now') from c; 
> commit;
> Run Time: real 0.207 user 0.000000 sys 0.004000
> sqlite> drop table if exists t1; create table t1(a datetime); vacuum 
> t1; begin; with recursive c(x) as (values(1) union all select x + 1 
> from c where x < 100000000) insert into t1(a) select datetime('now') 
> from c; commit;
> Run Time: real 94.226 user 73.096000 sys 4.788000
> sqlite> drop table if exists t1; create table t1(a datetime); vacuum 
> t1; begin; with recursive c(x) as (values(1) union all select x + 1 
> from c where x < 100) insert into t1(a) select datetime('now') from c; 
> commit;
> Run Time: real 209.612 user 4.724000 sys 21.588000*

Firstly, that's a 100-million inserts, not a billion as in the previous 
post. The billion inserts should have taken around 1000s or 20-ish minutes.

It might be the vacuum that takes the time for you... the drop table is 
If I run the same through SQLitespeed hooking SQLite with full 
diagnostics (and probably worse hardware than you have), I get about 
120sec (2 minutes) on the insert into an empty table, and 3.6s on the 
drop+insert 10 items.
I am not vacuuming inside the following script since vacuums cannot 
happen inside transactions, but I vacuum directly after it and the 
vacuum takes less than 2 seconds, so I doubt that is the problem either.


drop table if exists t1;

create table t1(a datetime);

with recursive c(x) as (values(1) union all select x + 1 from c where x 
< 100000000) insert into t1(a) select datetime('now') from c;

   --   Script Stats: Total Script Execution Time:     0d 00h 02m and 
   --                 Total Script Query Time:         0d 00h 02m and 
   --                 Total Database Rows Changed: 100000000
   --                 Total Virtual-Machine Steps: -2094967211
   --                 Last executed Item Index:        3
   --                 Last Script Error:

   -- 2015-08-28 14:25:16.109  |  [Success]    Script Success.
   -- 2015-08-28 14:25:45.088  |  [Success]    Transaction Committed.

drop table if exists t1;

create table t1(a datetime);

with recursive c(x) as (values(1) union all select x + 1 from c where x 
< 10) insert into t1(a) select datetime('now') from c;

   --   Script Stats: Total Script Execution Time:     0d 00h 00m and 
   --                 Total Script Query Time:         0d 00h 00m and 
   --                 Total Database Rows Changed:     10
   --                 Total Virtual-Machine Steps:     305
   --                 Last executed Item Index:        3
   --                 Last Script Error:

   -- 2015-08-28 14:26:29.095  |  [Success]    Script Success.
   -- 2015-08-28 14:26:29.239  |  [Success]    Transaction Committed.

Maybe some more information about your specific use case and environment 
is needed.


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