On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 8:21 AM, Frank Millman <frank at chagford.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> I am having a problem accumulating decimal values.
> I am actually using Python, but I can reproduce it in the sqlite3
> interactive terminal.
> SQLite version 3.8.6 2014-08-15 11:46:33
> Enter ".help" for usage hints.
> Connected to a transient in-memory database.
> Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
> sqlite> CREATE TABLE fmtemp (acno INT, balance DECIMAL);
> sqlite> INSERT INTO fmtemp VALUES (1, 0);
> sqlite> UPDATE fmtemp SET balance = balance + 123.45;
> sqlite> SELECT bal FROM fmtemp;
> 123.45
> sqlite> UPDATE fmtemp SET balance = balance + 123.45;
> sqlite> SELECT balance FROM fmtemp;
> 246.9
> I repeat this a number of times, and it runs fine, until this happens -
> sqlite> UPDATE fmtemp SET balance = balance + 123.45;
> sqlite> SELECT bal FROM fmtemp;
> 5802.15
> sqlite> UPDATE fmtemp SET balance = balance + 123.45;
> sqlite> SELECT bal FROM fmtemp;
> 5925.59999999999
> sqlite> UPDATE fmtemp SET balance = balance + 123.45;
> sqlite> SELECT bal FROM fmtemp;
> 6049.04999999999
> Can anyone explain what is going on, and is there a way to avoid it?
> Thanks
> Frank Millman
?This is a common problem. It has been discussed here, and elsewhere, quite
a bit. Basically, you want _decimal_ accuracy from a _binary_ floating
point format. But _decimal_ floating point numbers may not have an exact
_binary_ floating point representation. Perhaps these will be of some help:

http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html (generic
despite being from Oracle Corp.)

The real solution is IEEE 754-2008 decimal floating point implementation.

The only _hardware_ implementation that I know of for this format is from
IBM, on their Power6 (and after) and z9 (and after) series machines. It is
definitely not (yet) available on an Intel based machine.


Schrodinger's backup: The condition of any backup is unknown until a
restore is attempted.

Yoda of Borg, we are. Futile, resistance is, yes. Assimilated, you will be.

He's about as useful as a wax frying pan.

10 to the 12th power microphones = 1 Megaphone

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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