Thanks so much for the help. I set the timeout to 5 seconds (at each
instance of a db open connection) and was still seeing the database locked
errors with some frequency (haven't quantified it yet), so I will try
extending it to 30 seconds, as you suggest, and hopefully that makes a

Failing that, PostgreSQL looks promising (thanks so much for the
suggestion!), so I will start trying to implement it.

Thanks Again!

On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 6:06 PM, Simon Slavin <slavins at> wrote:

> On 2 Jul 2015, at 3:59pm, Kathleen Alexander <katcalex at> wrote:
> > I don't explicitly set sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3*, int ms) so I will
> try
> > adding that after the database connection is opened to see if it limits
> > those errors.
> This will have an extreme effect.  The default timeout for SQLite is not
> to use a timeout at all: any clash in access will result in immediate
> failure.  Set your timeout to 30 seconds and see what happens.
> Worth noting that the timeout needs to be set by each application for each
> connection.  If you set it for the first application which opens the
> database it won't automatically be applied by other connections.
> Simon.
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