Most types of virtual table can be created as temporary tables with no trouble 
by specifying the temp database when you create them. ?IE:
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.myrtree USING RTREE (id,minx,maxx);
However, the virtual table method xDestroy does not get called for a virtual 
table in the temp database unless an explicit DROP TABLE statement is executed 
on it; simply exiting and allowing SQLite to clean up the temp database won't 
do it. ?However, for many Virtual Tables, the xDestroy method and the 
xDisconnect methods are the same, and SQLite will call the xDisconnect method 
on a virtual table in the temp database before exiting. ?So, unless the virtual 
table has to clean up additional metadata or if it deletes or releases some 
external resources, it can probably be safely created in the temp database and 
cleaned up by SQLite on exit. ?Of course, if you explicitly DROP it when you 
are done with it, the xDestroy methods will be called and all should be as 

     On Monday, July 20, 2015 3:34 PM, Andy Rahn <andy.rahn at> wrote:

 I see there is no way to create a temporary virtual table.

One idea I had was to create a second, in-memory db and attach that, then
create the virtual table over there.

Currently I have it working where as soon as I open the db, I use
sqlite_master to find any left over virtual tables from before and drop

Any other ideas?

 - Andy
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