The likelihood() function, which should help select a query plan but otherwise 
be logic-neutral, nevertheless seems to affect results returned by a Left Join, 
when used as part of the join condition, possibly in other circumstances.

With the following sample data, the two SELECT queries should return the same 
data, however, they don't: the second query returns a rowcount that would 
correspond to that of an inner join:

drop table if exists Tbl; create temp table Tbl (i int, x, y, z); insert into 
Tbl values (1,1,1,1), (2,2,2,2), (3,3,3,3), (4,4,4,4);

drop table if exists Lkp; create temp table Lkp (i int, bool char); insert into 
Lkp values (1,'T'), (2,'F');

select count(*) from Tbl left join Lkp on Tbl.i = Lkp.i and Lkp.bool = 'T';

select count(*) from Tbl left join Lkp on likelihood(Tbl.i = Lkp.i, 0.5) and 
Lkp.bool = 'T';

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