On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 16:41:25 +0000 (UTC), Ch?
<el.che.the.man at gmail.com> wrote:

>After using sqlite3_prepare_v2 to prepare "BEGIN TRANSACTION", "END 
>TRANSACTION", and "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", the system will fault at a delayed 
>time when calling sqlite3_step.  If I call prepare and step right away, there 
>is no fault.  It runs fine.  Thus, if I just execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION", I 
>have no problem.  If I prepare a statement and execute it in the same 
>function, there is no problem too.  The problem occurs when I store a 
>prepared statement and access it at a later time.  In debugging, I checked if 
>anything was changing the sqlite3_stmt* pointer in-between. There was no 
>tampering in the program.  In fact, I created a SQLiteStatement class that 
>wrapped the sqlite3_stmt*, initialized it to 0, finalized it when done, and 
>prevented it from being overwritten with operator overloading the '=' sign.  
>I did this to ensure the safety of the prepared sqlite3_stmt*.

Is there any chance the statement is _step()ped, _finalize()d
and then re-used? To be able to use a statement multiple times,
it should not be finalized but rather _reset().

>Thank you for your help,

Kees Nuyt

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