On Nov 10, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Rousselot, Richard A <Richard.A.Rousselot at 
centurylink.com> wrote:
> What no love for their own Access DB?  <snickers>

This from the same company that gave us ODBC, ESQL, OLE DB, MDAC/Jet, DAO, RDO, 
ADO, ADO.NET, ADO Entity Framework, LINQ, the registry, Access, SQL Server 


Giving developers yet another DBMS or API for a DBMS is kinda what Microsoft 
does. :)

Microsoft is finally getting to a place Apple?s been since 2005.

(SQLite first shipped with OS X Tiger, and has shipped on every iDevice.)

I don?t mean to be dismissive.  Obviously getting SQLite into Windows is a 
great thing.  It?s just that it would have been even nicer a decade ago.  I 
love that Nadella?s Microsoft is giving up on NIH.

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