On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

> On 10/7/15, Jaroslaw Staniek <staniek at kde.org> wrote:
> > ? would you elaborate what? is the
> > benefit of using x.y.z versioning scheme if so many new features come to
> > the "z" release?
> [...] The community seems to want the second number (current 8) to
> increment
> every time a new feature is added to SQLite.  I will take your request
> under advisement.  Realize, however, that had the current preferred
> number scheme been used for SQLite from the beginning, the next
> release would be called 3.112.

That 3.112 version is a better reflection of all the changes in a way.

Minor version bumps are kinda arbitrary, why 3.8.12 and not 3.9.0 indeed.
Table-valued functions are a big enough change to warrant it IMHO, but
maybe that's just me. --DD

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