On 25 January 2016 at 18:26, Meinlschmidt Stefan <
Stefan.Meinlschmidt at esolutions.de> wrote:

> > In your case it sounds like a controlled shutdown - is there a reason you
> > don't do a full disk sync before that?
> Yes, it is a controlled shutdown, so in my case the /* post-commit logic
> */ basically pulls the plug.
> Trouble is that I only control the database, not the shutdown procedure
> (this is a commercial product with several hundred people working on
> different aspects of the system). So while I can try to ask the shutdown
> crew to sync like any real computer would do, I ultimately have no
> saying in that but still need to ensure survival of data.
> Without the patch (which I do have applied locally, of course), me and
> everyone with a similar usecase get into trouble for relying on the
> quite excellent reputation of SQLite. Actually I first fingerpointed to
> the flash hardware or its driver, because ?SQLite is well-tested and
> doesn't have this kind of bugs? :-)

But if the shutdown procedure doesn't actually sync the disk, surely its
not just sqlite users that will suffer? _Anything_ which has done a write()
in the last ~10 seconds without sync()ing is going to lose data, and unlike
sqlite the vast majority of standard tools _never_ call sync().

Obviously I don't know much about your project/environment, so perhaps this
is what you want. It just strikes me as a problem easier solved at the
system level is all :)


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