What is the likely max length of a row in your table? if your row
length is less than page length-35 then it will fit in to one page.

The amount of wasted page depends on what fraction of a page size your
typical record is.

If you have a record that is 600 bytes long on a DB with 1024 byte
page size then you would "waste" about 1024-600 = 424 bytes per record

If your page size is 4096 then for the same record size you fit 6
records into the page so would waste about 4096 - (600*6) = 496 / 6 =
82 bytes per record.

Pick your page size appropriately although there is usually more to
think about with page size than just wasted space.
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On 3 March 2016 at 08:58, Simon Slavin <slavins at bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> On 3 Mar 2016, at 8:16am, Eric Grange <zarglu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> All BLOBs are stored inline.  The only complication comes when the total
>>> row length is longer than a page.
>> Ok thanks!
>> That is besides my original question but what is the complication in that
>> case?
>> Is the blob partially stored in the row, or is some indirection to other
>> pages used, with only some pointer stored in the row?
> SQLite database files are split up into pages.  Every page in a database is 
> the same number of bytes long.  Every page belongs to the header, or to free 
> space, or to a specific TABLE or INDEX.
> SQLite stores all the values for a row together.  Changing the value of any 
> column for a row requires rewriting the entire row, and then the row entry 
> for every index on that table which was changed. [1]
> Ideally a row of data would fit in a page.  This simplifies the job of 
> reading a row from disk or changing the data in a row.  SQLite does this 
> where possible.
> But it's possible for a row to be longer than a page.  This happens 
> especially where the row contains a long string or a long BLOB.  In that case 
> SQLite has to fetch more than one page from disk just to access the values 
> for that row.  And it's possible for a BLOB to be so long that it requires 
> one or more pages entirely to itself.  So the word 'inline' is a little 
> tricky here because there is more than one 'line' involved.
> Simon.
> [1] Handwave a few exceptions.
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