That doesn't work for me:

I am trying to avoid (select col1, col2, ... colx ) from ...

and want just a row count which is much less resource intensive.

I have users who need to execute queries that generate a large number
of rows, I have other users that create queries that generate a large
number of rows by accident (i.e. cross joins). I have no control over
what they enter but I want to do something to warn them that their
query might result in an over large number of rows and a limit clause
might be a solution.

if however they have already applied a limit clause there is no need
for a warning.

Before I am asked - for some of my users huge data sets might be OK as
they can use my application to massage the data before creating a
report or exporting the results set.

parsing the query and identifying the limit clause is an option, but I
hope there might be a simpler way.
skype: r3scue193
twitter: @sandersonforens
Tel +44 (0)1326 572786
-Forensic Toolkit for SQLite
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On 5 March 2016 at 13:05, Clemens Ladisch <clemens at> wrote:
> Paul Sanderson wrote:
>> I am trying to determine before a query is executed how many rows will
>> be returned. the following query works as expected
>> select count(*) from table
>> but
>> select count(*) from table limit 100
>> still returns the number of rows in the table not the number of rows
>> that would be returned by the query.
> "The query" is the one that has the "limit" clause.  What else should
> the database execute?
> As documented <>, the result rows
> are generated before the LIMIT clause is applied.
> To determine how many rows would be returned by an arbitrary query, use:
> But why do you want to determine the number of rows in the first place?
> Regards,
> Clemens
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