On Wed, 16 Mar 2016 14:09:08 -0500
Jay Kreibich <jay at kreibi.ch> wrote:

> although if you trace SQL back to the IBM days of SEQUEL, there is a
> strong argument that the term ?sequel? makes more sense.

IBM insisted "SQL" be pronounced as three letters for exactly that
reason: to distinguish it from its forerunner, SEQUEL.  IIRC, SEQUEL
was trademarked by another firm, and pronouncing SQL to sound like
"sequel" risked trademark infringement.  

> ?an ess-cue-ell lite database?

Yup, that's what I write, too.  But I've given up my Pedant Pin in
conversation because "sequelite" trips off this English-speaker's
tongue.  Practically saves a second every time I say it, must have
added up to hours by now.  


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