On Tue, 22 Mar 2016 09:56:57 +0100
"Cezary H. Noweta" <chn at poczta.onet.pl> wrote:

> On 2016-03-22 00:35, James K. Lowden wrote:
> >[...]  An example from Clang's discussion is
> >
> >     int i = 10 << 31;
> Could you provide a link for that discussion? (Or google's phrase to 
> retrieve such link?)

I'm sorry, no.  Not for the first time I wish my browser had a feature
like "find links in history with documents matching regex".  

I didn't read it on the Clang mailing list.  I think I saw it by
reference in Regehr's discussion of "friendly C".  It specifically
mentioned  10 << 31  as an example of an "integer" requiring 35 bits,
something gcc assigns silently and clang diagnoses with a warning.  

If you haven't seen it, 


is a good starting point.  It mentions "Towards Optimization-Safe
Systems: Analyzing the Impact of Undefined Behavior" 
(http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/papers/stack:sosp13.pdf), which is where I
learned that sharp-edged optimization is not a brand-new phenomenon.  

DJB provides a properly justified grumpy, frustrated view, 


wherein he mentions one of the defenses for the status quo, 

        "that a boring C compiler can't possibly support the desired 
     system _performance_. Even if this were true (which I very much 
     doubt), why would it be more important than system _correctness_?"

That should be the only argument needed.  DJB is concerned about
security.  DRH is concerned about correctness.  The serious C
programmer doesn't breath who prizes performance over correctness, yet
that is the license the compiler writers have granted themselves.  


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