2016-08-10 11:43 GMT+02:00 R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za>:

> On 2016/08/10 11:20 AM, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>> At the moment I have:
>> SELECT   idletime, COUNT(*)
>> FROM     vmstat
>> GROUP BY idletime
>> But because there are about 400.000 records (and counting) it is not the
>> most convenient information. Instead of the number of records I would like
>> to have the percentage of the records. Is this possible?
>> Also: how would I work with slices, say: 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, … 96-100.
> Question 1:
> WITH ST(cAll) AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vmstat )
> SELECT idletime, (100 * COUNT(*) / ST.cAll) AS Perc
>   FROM vmstat, ST
>  GROUP BY idletime

​Has the same problem as the solution of Clemens: delivers only zeros. But
rewritten like this works:
WITH ST(onePercent) AS (SELECT COUNT(*) / 100.0 FROM vmstat)
SELECT idletime, COUNT(*), COUNT(*) / ST.onePercent AS Percentage
FROM vmstat, ST
GROUP BY idletime
ORDER BY Percentage DESC

​And this solution is of-course better, because now the total count is only
fetched once. (I think.) Not really important in this case, but nice to

Question 2:
> Not sure how you want to slice data, I am assuming you mean you want to
> know how many values (as in percent of total) falls within each slice? If
> so, this should work:

​Yes, that is what I mean. I am going to try it out.​

> WITH ST(cAll) AS (
>     SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vmstat
> ), SL(Slice) AS (
>     SELECT (CAST(((100 * COUNT(*) / ST.cAll) / 5) AS INT) * 5)
>      FROM vmstat, ST
> )
> SELECT Slice||' - '||(Slice+5), (100 * COUNT(*) / ST.cAll) AS Perc
>  GROUP BY Slice
> [Might need a little fiddling to produce the output exactly how you want
> it, but the basics should be clear]

Cecil Westerhof
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