On 8/10/16, Raja Kajiev <raja.kaj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The issue is: one of requests performed in my app was executed in ~7
> seconds in v.3.10, but in v.3.14 execution time is ~13-15 seconds. That's
> really itching in my case.
> The sql request in question includes "inner join" constructs.
> I also remember that in version prior to 3.10 the execution time for that
> particular request was much larger than 10 seconds.
> The full code of the routine is below. I can put on share somewhere a copy
> of the db which is used (it is not a secret data, but it is a little large
> - about 290 MB).

Please send:

(1) The output of the ".fullschema -indent" command as run from the
command-line shell.
(2) The text of the SQL statement that is running slowly.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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